On April 21st, 2018, Lourdes traveled with her mentor, Cheryl to Washington D.C. to attend Running Strong for American Indian Youth's Dreamstarter Academy. She was excited to meet Billy Mills and the other nine Dreamstarters.

Arriving in D.C.
We caught the plane at the Oakland Airport at 6 am and arrived in D.C. around 3:30 p.m. The flight was okay. From the airport we took a taxi to the Capital Skyline Hotel. The taxi driver kept trying to talk us into having big business come to the reservation. It was a long taxi drive!

Opening Reception in the Magnolia Room
We went to the Opening Reception for the Dreamstarters at 6 p.m. and met the rest of the Dreamstarters. We were given a great Running Strong bag with a lot of cool stuff (luggage tag, book marks, socks, thumb drive, hat, water bottle, pens, a Billy Mills book, and best of all an iPad!. They told us we would be using the iPad in the week's training and it would be useful in our Dreamstarter projects! Yea!
